ESTMA LTD. offers various types of cargo transportation:

Sergei Ignatenko
Sergei Ignatenko, ESTMA founder
“It is a small piece with a big message that I really believe – the most successful people don’t sit around waiting for good things to just magically happen to them, they make it their business to make the best deal for themselves, in all areas of life”
- Complex logistics task solutions
- Responsiveness
- Realistic feedback
- Individual approach
- Consistency
- Assistance in trade financing, buying and selling
- Reputation operational excellence
- Strict compliance with administrative, health and safety requirements
- Smart, well-trained and experienced teams
- Assisting clients in their negotiation with any type of authorities and subcontractors
- Centralized accounting system
- Insured operations
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All business units of ESTMA are qualified for ISO 9001:2015 Certificate for global logistics. This certificate forms the basis for flexible correctly organized and ever-improving service to our customers.
ESTMA is a certified IATA cargo agent, which provides a direct access to airlines cargo transportation opportunities worldwide.
Our highly experienced specialists are ready to answer your inquiry ASAP!